Monday, July 30, 2007
Too Bad He's Dead: Tom Snyder
I saw Bonnie Hunt at a Cubs game, and yelled "I loved you on Tom Snyder," and she gave a big smile and wave.
Fire up a colortini, sit back, relax, and watch the pictures, now, as they fly through the air...
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
2007 GGO Cancelled
Perhaps it was because of the high number of people who couldn't make it.
Perhaps it was because of the lack of response from people at all.
Perhaps it was because of the late notice.
Perhaps it was because of the golf course.
Perhaps it was because of the Tournament Director's babysitter issues.
Perhaps it was because of the potentially oppressively hot weather.
Perhaps it was because of the Tournament Director's apathy.
Perhaps it was because the event needs a year off to rest.
Perhaps it was because no one wanted crappy give aways as prizes.
Perhaps it was because everyone wanted Scott Strangberg to have another year to defend his title.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Brush with Greatness: My Good Pal Amy Jacobson

Anyway, that day at work, I get an envelope marked "personal and confidential" and enclosed was this photograph.

Let's just say I was very surprised.
Here is the photo without the post-it. A shame you cannot tell I am wearing the sweet Telemundo / NBC5 jacket.

2007 GGO Set

The “Gross,” as it has been come to be known, is named for the Cub outfielder/pinch-hitter of the mid-late 1970s who shares batting side (left), first name (Greg), and birthday (August 1), with the tournament director.
For more info on Greg Gross, click here.
All players must attend the post-tournament Awards Ceremony, to be held this again year at nearby Grandpa’s Place in Glenview.
The low scorer must wear the coveted “Pink Visor” on the course, and the high scorer must wear same for the first round of cold, frosty beverages.
Ties for first or last place MUST be broken with a playoff hole.
Apparel typically worn on nice golf courses strongly discouraged. Ditto for spikes.
Failure to follow these rules will result in disqualification, a lifetime ban from future Greg Gross Opens, and in some cases, death.
By popular demand, this year's event will again be held at Anetsberger Golf Course in Northbrook, with two sets of nine holes, and a cut after the initial nine holes. Those that miss the cut will carry around the cooler and alternately cheer, heckle and taunt those in competition.No caddies, no carts, but plenty of parking. This is a “competitive” tournament, but the main point of this event is to have fun, not show off your prowess.
• WHEN: August 4, 2007 (sorry for the short notice)Approx. 10:00 a.m.
• R.S.V.P. (or in the Comments section below)
For weather conditions at the course, please click here.
The Tournament is always looking for additional corporate sponsors to award prizes for Longest Drive, Closest to the Pin, etc. We thank Botek, J.C. Whitney, and the Company Peter Works For for its fine support in the past and look forward to working with these and new corporate sponsors in the future.I hope to see all of you there.
Very truly yours always sincerely,
Gregory F. Kelly
Tournament Director
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Greg and Tania go to the Rock Show

We went to the Dave Matthews show at Toyota Park, where the Chicago Fire (no, not the old football team, but the soccer team) plays.
We had real good seats, and the beer was typically as cold as the weather was hot. Tania took another couple's picture, and we asked them to take ours, and they did and sent it to us. That was nice of them, wasn't it?
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Pool Days

Where are the pictures of Zammy in the water? Well, when we dipped his nibs' body in the water, he let his parents know that the water, while not real cold, was certainly not as warm as his bath at home.

So, while Zammy snoozed, and Dad people watched, Mom enjoyed herself like the 10 year old she is when she gets anywhere near a pool.

Too hot for some to smile...
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Fourth of July Mayhem
Our neighborhood always features a huge amount of fireworks, and this video is a small piece of it. The great news is that Zammy slept through the whole thing. Normally, we enjoy watching the fireworks from the roof, but this year, the sheer volume, and the proximity of some jokers setting off brick after brick of firecrackers, gave your humble correspondent a headache. Enjoy!
(the last 30 seconds are a result of my inability to turn off the camera)
Monday, July 02, 2007
Vote for Zambrano