Zammy has a big head. In fact it is 51 cm circumference, as a 6 month old. Upon our pediatrician’s recommendation, Tania took him to a pediatric neurosurgeon last week. Instead of getting the expected once-over, “he’s big, his head’s big, no big deal,” he expressed concern, and told us to get an MRI of his noggin, sooner than later.
We took this video this morning before the MRI, when he was in his typically good spirits.
Well, Zammy had his MRI today, and he went through it like a champ. He couldn't have food for 6 hours previous, so Tania got him up at 430a, and he was a good soldier until about 1015a, when he wanted to eat, and let us know. Luckily, this was just before his sedation, which was oral rather than via IV, and was performed by a doc who was a resident a year in front of Tania at Children's, and one Tania remembered as being very thorough, so she was confident we were in good hands.
Apparently, he didn't feel much effect of the sedation, and more slept throught the MRI, as he was up, though real groggy, 20 minutes after the MRI. They were saying it could be 1-2 hours.
Just a few minutes ago, we found out the results: he has a big head. The additional fluid he is producing is not affecting anything, including especially his brain. Typically, this condition clears up by his their first birthday. We will follow up in three months to make sure the status is quo.
This means that his motor deficits stem from his large head, rather than something inside his large head. After an evaluation, Zammy will have weekly physical and occupational therapy to help him catch up.
Most importantly, by the end of the day today, he was the same goofy, smiley, chatty little boy, he was before, allaying my irrational fears that the process would transform him into a bratty