All players must attend the post-tournament Awards Ceremony, to be held this again year at nearby Grandpa’s Place in Glenview.
The low scorer must wear the coveted “Pink Visor” on the course, and the high scorer must wear same for the first round of cold, frosty beverages.
Ties for first or last place MUST be broken with a playoff hole.
Apparel typically worn on nice golf courses strongly discouraged. Ditto for spikes.
Failure to follow these rules will result in disqualification, a lifetime ban from future Greg Gross Opens, and in some cases, death.
This year's event will again be held at Anetsberger Golf Course in Northbrook, with two sets of
nine holes, and a cut after the initial nine holes. Those that miss the cut will carry around the cooler and alternately cheer, heckle and taunt those in competition.No caddies, no carts, but plenty of parking. This is a “competitive” tournament, but the main point of this event is to have fun, not show off your prowess.

• WHEN: August 2, 2008 Approx. 10:00 a.m.
• R.S.V.P. GregGrossOpen@hotmail.com (or in the Comments section below)
For weather conditions at the course, please click here. The Tournament is always looking for additional corporate sponsors to award prizes for Longest Drive, Closest to the Pin, etc. We thank Botek, J.C. Whitney, and the Company Peter Works For for its fine support in the past and look forward to working with these and new corporate sponsors in the future.
I hope to see all of you there.
Very truly yours always sincerely,
Gregory F. Kelly
Tournament Director

The GGO Planning Committee is endeavoring to get Liquid Blue (seen with Gross) to play post-tournament.
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