You have decided to play the 2008 Greg Gross Open. Good for you!
Please meet at 1000 am, and we will get started when everyone arrives.
Anetsberger Golf Course is at 180 Anets Drive, Northbrook. Google Maps has it. It is off Techny Road between Shermer and Waukegan Road.
The Awards Ceremony is at Grandpa’s Place, 1868 Prairie St, Glenview, IL.
1) Have Fun!
2) There are at least 16 golfers this year. The cut, after nine holes, will likely be for the top 12.
3) One mulligan per nine holes is allowed. The mulligan must be on a tee shot, and if taken, must be played, even if worse than the original shot. Unused mulligans are forfeited, and there can be no boasting about unused mulligans.
4) No player may give another unsolicited golf tips.
5) Shots into the water carry one-stroke penalty. Drop on the other side near the water.
6) Balls hit out of bounds are treated like punts. Drop (without penalty) where the ball went out of bounds.
7) There is no rain date. As always, it should be ridiculously hot, and while we will provide some beer/pop, please bring your own hydration. I will not be going to the ER for anyone. Check weather conditions here.
8) The low scorer must wear the coveted “Pink Visor” on the course, and the high scorer must wear the Pink Visor for the first round of cold, frosty beverages.
9) Ties for first or last place will be played on the 1st hole. Subsequent playoff holes will be the 2nd, then back to the 1st. After that, if there is still no winner, both players will be disqualified, and the Tournament Director will name the Champion.
10) No whining!
11) Opening groupings will be made by the Tournament Director. . Second Nine groupings will be based on Front Nine scoring. Changing the groupings is strictly forbidden.
12) When in doubt, see Rules #1 and #10.
13) Failure to follow these rules will result in disqualification, a lifetime ban from future Greg Gross Opens, and in some cases, death.
See you at 1000 am!
Gregory F. Kelly
Tournament Director